
Dear Khila, Happy Birthday!

Dear Akhila,

I wanted to write this letter on your birthday and technically it’s still your birthday here. Technically. Happy Birthday once again, while I’m at it I’ll just go ahead and get all the usual wishes out of the way. For starters I hope you have a blast at uni, live an amazing long life and tell me about everything along the way. Secondly I want you to know I miss you terribly, it sucks majorly that we have to live in different countries, but hopefully I get to see you real soon! Which reminds me please choose a flight with a longer transit time when you’re heading home; a week or two should work just fine ;).

When I think back to the time when we first became friends I can’t believe it’s been seven years already, it feels like just yesterday when you were so appalled at my taste in boys. Good times :’). I wish we could go back to those days, stay there and never grow up. Life is cruel that way. It won’t let me time travel neither will it let me skip the boring parts. Life without you and the rest of our friends is boring and I don’t mean to be a drama queen by saying that. So we need to go on that trip to the Maldives we’ve been planning forever because it’s about time we all met up.

I think must mention how much I value our friendship which borders on being gay. I honestly don’t know what I would do without you in my life and I must say this on your birthday, I AM SO THANKFUL THAT YOU WERE BORN :’). Since you are such an amazing person I’m pretty sure I’m not the only soul that’s thankful for your existence. Continue to stay amazing always. Seriously. The world would be a better place if there were more of you.

Even though I tell you every day I’m going to say it one more time, I love you ❤ So much. Don’t ever leave me, I might just die from the heartbreak that would ensue. Since it’s also early in the year I’m going to end this letter with my wishes for you this year. I hope you meet the boy of your dreams and that his best friend just happens to be the perfect guy for me, so we can be neighbours when we grow up and live happily ever after with our families and pet dogs. I also hope that you stay happy and smile everyday from here on out.

You deserve all the lou in the world.

Your amazing friend who loves you too much,

Rumana 🙂

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